Hello guys. I want to share with you about PLKN. I needed to
attend the camp on 1 April 2013 at Kem Kepala Gajah, Besut. Many people say that PLKN was not best, need
to marching in the hot day. Actually this program is very interesting and fun.
I can feel something difference when doing the activities along the program
although I already have done it before this. We are divided into four company
which are Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta. I am in group Bravo. Each company
will compete each other to show who is the best company. We wake up at 5.00 a.m.
It is very hard for me to wake up at that time and we need to go to surau to
perform solah Subuh together. At 6.30 a.m , we jog to Padang Kawad to have
aerobic time. One day, we have an opportunity to handle M-16 and try to shot. I
feel nervous to shot for the first bullet. Each person have their quota to shot
with 30 bullets. Besides that, I get allowance for each month. Other activities
are flying fox, abseiling, swimming and gotong-royong with villagers. In the
middle of May 2013, the commandant of the camp allow for those who get an offer
to study in Form 6 and matriculation can finish the camp early. For those who
have attend the camp, they should be proud with themselves because they are
chosen one.
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