Saturday, 6 December 2014

Early Marriage

Early marriage among university students, is it an ordinary aspect or a rare one ? I had my culture shock in this aspect when enter UTM. want to know why ? because student here take this matter as a simple one. they think that with marrying the person they love or from parental chose can make their student life more happy. guys, cant you see that most of our lecturer , our uncles, aunties and ou cousins or someone older than you didn't married yet. you know why? because they didn't prepared yet to handle the responsibility and they afraid to ruins other person life by didn't make them happy. Guys, MARRIAGE its not as simple as you think. you need to know that after you had married with that person, you have big responsibility towards her or him and towards the family too. i told you about this matter based on my observation from My friends which most of them married after or during SPM and matriculation. if you want to marry at this stage, you need to think deeply as you can and prepared with anything that will happen. by the way, i hope, whoever wants to marry at this moment, i wish all the best for all of you and be happy always :)

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