Friday, 28 November 2014

As we know egg shell contains of calcium carbonate right? So, what do we do we know about calcium carbonate actually? It is alkaline property right? Back to the purpose, what I would like to say here is that stuff will be transformed to fertilizer. But until now, I have never heard about this transformation. Since I was in secondary standard, I have been exposed about this knowledge especially during chemistry class. We know that when acid is react with alkali, the result is salt which is natural where about not less than zero or above than zero as we tested it on pH paper. There are many type of fertilizers such as ammonium nitrate, sodium carbonate and many more. One of them is calcium carbonate which is being used until now as a fertilizer. We can easily get the source of calcium carbonate anywhere. What the interesting story I would like to share here is me and my team where we came from Mara Junior Science College Kuala Terengganu have been discovered about transformation of eggs shell to become a fertilizer. This fertilizer can be used to the crops yield to reduce the acidity of soil. So that, the plants will growth faster and healthier than before. If the crops are growing in the acidic soil condition, theirs growth will be stunted. Unfortunately, we only got the idea, but no action from us to make it as real. I hope that, in the future I will make it realize as well as I can. That is why I took challenge to study in Degree of Chemical Engineering (Bioprocess). Hopefully, I can learn something new about this, and I get some idea on how to make a fertilizer from eggs shell. We should take challenge for “Go Green” to save earth. One of them is by do not waste our daily waste products. We should be creative in saving the earth. I have been proposed my idea. Could you please help me guys, to realize my dream? Instead of littering leftover stuff, why not we reduce it by using the creative way thinking right?

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