Thursday, 20 November 2014

Cooking and my mother's cook

Cooking is something that I'm not interested in but as a older sister in the family but if my parents was not at home I have to feed the rest of my younger sisters and since I'm good at it my parents kept asking me to cook at home. Luckily, the rest of my family enjoyed my cook. However, when it came to cut the fish, I have lost my sense. It is not that I hate it but I am more preferred cooking that cutting the fish. That part I hand it over to my sister. The most enjoyable food that I ever made is Asam Pedas. The recipe is from my mother, she said that the tastiest fish with Asam Pedas is stingray, wolf herring, catfish and groupe fish. Seriously, it is very delicious to have these kinds of fish in Asam Pedas. As I am in UTM right now, I kept want to have this food right now. I am not only missing my family but also my mother’s cook a lot. Remembering it always want to tear me up.

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