Saturday, 29 November 2014

korean food



At a time when people the world ever are seeking to eat more healthily,Korean food culture is making its global mark. Some of the most popular souvenirs are Korean tteok(rice cakes) or alcohol made from rice,dried natural products that can be eaten conveniently on the go, as well as snacks good for your body.You can spot a wide selection of well-packaged food section of department stores.However, out of all the products available, one of the most popular is “well-being” cookies. These beautifully-packaged cookies,good enough to be offered as presents , are made only with the finest,non-harmful ingredients or are entirely organic.They are also easily purchased at any convenience store nearby at affordable prices, making them very popular.For example,in Myeong-dong.It from casual to formal wear, this mall is packed with boutiques specializing in women’s apparel. The fifth floor is dedicated to accessories and lingerie, while the sixth is home to hand-madeshoes and leather goods.There is also a food court on the 7th floor.

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