Saturday, 29 November 2014


the title of this story is rabbit and tortoise. this story is famous among the children and in our childhood.

this story is about the arrogant's rabbit that said he is the faster animal. the tortoise that are cant endure the rabbit's word had asked him to race with it. then the rabbit which is so show off accept that challenge. so on the next day, they had the race. as usual we know, tortoise is really slow logically and the rabbit is faster than it. when the rabbit approaching the final line, he saw the fruits on the tree. then he ate that fruits until full and overslept under the tree. then tortoise had reached the place that rabbit slept, then tortoise make a fast to the final  line.. at last, tortoise had win and the rabbit is so shy and don't want to see tortoise. finally, the rabbit realize that he should not so arrogant and show off about his abilities.

as the moral values, we have our own speaciality. everyone have one each. but different people different advantage. we have to appologise when realizing we make wrong to someone. although sometime, they do bad to us but we should not repay that badness toward us.we as human are not perfect and not in kind every minutes. so we have always ask the forgiveness from people and espescially from Him.

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