Thursday, 13 November 2014

Far from home.

Assalammualaikum. I want to share about my experienced celebrated Hari Raya Aidiladha in UTM ! First of all, i felt really sad because this is my first time do not celebrate Hari Raya with my family. All my family gathered at my grandfather and grandmother house. They sent me many images at our family Whatsapp group ! I felt very sorry for myself because i can't be there and celebrated together with them. However, i know that i am not alone here. I have my friends who have the same FATE like me. We all gathered and have a Hari Raya prayer together. After prayer, we took picture together and it was very happy moments. Then, we went to Aeon to eat as all the cafeterias in our college is closed! We also bought some beverages and we cooked by ourselves at hostel! Then, we ate together. Again, it was a happy moment. Well, something happen for a reason. I cannot celebrate hari raya with my family but i am able to celebrate it with my new friends!

1 comment:

  1. there always a reason over something.. thats why Allah is the best planner.. hahaha
