Saturday, 22 November 2014

Disadvantages eat Maggie


I want share to you something that everyone always eats when they are hungry. I want share about disadvantages when we eat the Maggie.  Firstly, in the content of flavoring substances, it contains high levels of MSG and salt especially the kidney function. There are studies that say that people who are allergic to MSG experiencing chest heat, discoloration of the face to the little red or extreme headaches after taking products that contain MSG high. Other than that,  people who always take this food able to get high cancer risk because many substances are dissolved when using hot water to eat and most dangerously when pour the hot water in the bowl directly that may cause many hazardous. Lastly, usually people who eat Maggie their hair will bald slowly. That from me. Thank you... 


  1. how about Ruski? is it have disadvantages too?

  2. i agree with nisaaa. hahaha.did ruski also give bad effect to our body??
