Tuesday, 11 November 2014

My Second Family

Oh hi!! So today I want to share about “my second family”. Actually it is my cats. Hah. Since I moved from Malacca to Johor in year 5, I already brings my two lovely cats. Very adorable. Adik and Abang. But, their died already. The Adik was bitten by the dogs. And Abang did not come back home in “mengawan” season. So since that, I do not have cats anymore. For sure, my father did not love cat at all. Just him in our family. But we always give food to the wild cats at the back of our home. Letting them to come in is NOT ALLOWED. But one day, there is a cat was “pregnant”. She is Miro. (my sister gives her that name). We(including my father) feel sorry for her because her belly was so big likes there are three apples on that belly. Maybe four. Haha.  So, we decided to take care of her. Of course my father buy Whiskers(cat’s food) for her and also for the others cats. One day, she was  delivering her babies. Kittens of course. Very cute kittens. And there are six kittens. Yeah six. On 5th Ramadhan on this year. My dad feel sorry for her and he babies. Actually my dad already loves cats. He did not admit it. Hah. We (my siblings, actually my sister again) only give them name(Momoi, Dik Moi, Oyen, Kobi, Tabu and Tabi) and my dad will buying food for them since we do not have money at  all. Since my family have six members, we take care the kittens one per person. For Miro, she can survive. No need to worry. We take care of them together. So today, besides miss my family, I also miss my cats. My second family. Thanks to God to  give us opportunity to take care of them. And Alhamdulillah, finally my father love cats. (more than us actually). And sometimes I feel like, “Is he’s my father?”. Lol J

Miro (before deliver)
Sleeping Momoi

A week babies


+/- 100 gram only.

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