Monday, 3 November 2014

stress doing autoCad assignment ;( +,+' )

Last week i got an assignment assign by Dr. Lai Jau Choy during Lukisan Kejuruteraan class or Engeneering Drawing session to create orthographic drawing.I started to draw the assignment on the weekend which is on Saturday night (specifically after Isya'). At first ,i have to redraw the assignment by hand in order to see the object from top view, front view and right side view, together with its measurement.After few hours doing it, around 12 o'clock (plus minus) in the morning, my roomate asked me how to calculate the length of  the rectangular view (i did not know how to describe it, so i just write it rectangular view. BIG sorry readers). So, i just show her my drawing which i draw it by hand.Without realising that i had turn off my newest drawing assignment. After i had realising about it, i automatically say 4 letter word and istighfar multiply times in order to dearease my anger.All my hard work is going down the ground in a split of second!!
But after my anger cool down a bit I redo it until 3 am ++. When teaching my friends to create the orthographic design from the beginning which including the layers, how to use fillet, how to make a line with angle, ! also slept 3 am ++ in the morning which the next morning i have class on 8 until 4.The total time i spent to do assingment is more than 15 hours.Longer than usual. But the benefits from the accident is, i became more expert in it.Alhamdulillah :) :) :) :) :)


  1. I'm your roomate. And I'm sorry because my "superpower" make your autocad disappear. ;)

  2. I see your patient in order to complete the assignment.. you also teach me how to do the assignment.. Thanks a lot yaa.. Congratulation because you are becoming more expert in using autocad!! =)
