Sunday, 9 November 2014

Body Language

Assalamualikum to all my friends. Here I want to share how to improve our body language.This tips I got from my lecturer during matriculation.This is very important for you especially when you attend an interview.  First, do not cross our arms or legs. We have probably heard that cross our arms as it make we seem defensive or guarded. Keep our arms and legs open. Second, nod when they are talking. We need to nod once in a while to signal that we are listening. Third, do not slouch and sit up straight but in a relaxed way. Next, please do not touch our face because it might make us seem nervous and can be distracting for the listeners. And lastly is lean, but not too much. If we want to show that we interested in what someone saying, lean toward the person talking. Ok, that's all from me.


  1. this post teaches me how to communicate well with people. thanks for the tips. hope you will update the new tips after this

  2. the last seminar i attend also teach me about the body language, well i can say it the best seminar cause the speaker from English academy really funny. i learn many things from him
